Youth job training program - opportunities for young to become successful

The undertakings of The Clean Queen Inc pre-apprentice program are as follows:

  • With a youth job training program, we make the organization a viable creation of opportunities for young to become successful.

  • Provide’ COVID-19 training for all personnel and young adults.

  • Provide on-the-job training and credentials.

  • Provide youth jobs path program.

  • Offering work ethics mentorships.

  • Create job opportunities for our youths.

  • Provide excellent service to our contractors.

  • Youth job connection program.

The board of directors also serves as the project team. Each member works in a full or part-time capacity to: maintain the organization's mission, facilitate value-based programs, hire part-time employees, consistently develop community relationships, and evaluate performance measures overall effectiveness, and monitor the fiduciary responsibilities of the organization.

Performance Measures

Here is the model that will demonstrate how The Clean Queen Inc will become sustainable and successful:

  • Develop multiple sources of funding and continuing sources of support from private sectors.

  • Through youth job training programs, we train 30-50 young adults yearly.

  • Establish networking relationships with community organizations to form a cooperative relationship with community partners, school systems, families, and business-to-business relationships, as well as government buildings and offices.

The Project Team will continually monitor the programs through these methods:

  • Oversee the day-to-day operations.

  • Provide counseling youth program assistant jobs

  • Utilize the special expertise of project team members in related fields.

  • Monitor the corresponding projects on an ongoing basis.

  • Make necessary changes immediately when the statistics reflect low productivity.

  • Outcomes of progression are below 70%. When necessary, the project team will seek outside help.

  • Provide an accounting for the funding received by the organization with the funding specifications.

  • Conduct client surveys and monitor public reviews about customer service and satisfaction.

The Clean Queen Organization follows the guidelines of products on a list that meet EPA’s Criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This is very important becauseit is imperative that we follow the guidelines of the CDC and use the products that are found to be effective in killing COVID-19 or its virus.
